
Watters: ‘The Espionage Act is for Double Agents and Soviet Spies Not American Presidents’

WATTERS: “The Espionage Act is for like double agents and Soviet spies, not American presidents.”

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1 year ago

The DemocRAT Politicians are the biggest criminal organization in the history of our country and the are the first to have a media behind them! POWER HUNGARY and the are proving it! We got to stop them and we need big victories in the House and Senate to stop them. Then we need investigations of the DOJ, FBI and some DemocRAT Politicians! We need to get back all the land that Chinese have purchased at the cost that they purchased it at! We need to get all our businesses using Chinese Communists to get out of China there our other countries that could do what China does and the are not trying to over through us! That includes IPhones and Tic Tot should be band here! Tic Tock in Vhina does not allow the filth that it puts out here! Chinese students here should be sent back, all are potential spies or China would not allow them here! All the FBI and DOJ people that were involved in Russia misinformation should be charged and if found guilty 10 years minimum in jail! This is serious and they deserve it along with losing all benefits and when released never work for any company doing business with the government and if proof can be found that any news organizations were involved they should be put out of business’