This is truly despicable.

A “brokenhearted” White House Chief of Staff John Kelly gave an emotional briefing Thursday to clear up the past few days of controversy over how President Trump handles calls to the families of U.S. soldiers killed in the line of duty.

Specifically, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson told the media that she listened in on a call the president made to the young widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson. Wilson claimed that the president was “insensitive” because he reportedly told the soldier’s wife “he knew what he signed up for.”

Kelly said he was “stunned” to see a member of Congress politicizing such a “sacred” event. He said he was so offended by Wilson’s remarks that he went to Arlington National Cemetery for a walk, to collect his thoughts. Reporters in the White House briefing room said they had never seen the press corps so silent.

One person who is not taking Kelly’s statement to heart? Wilson herself. She laughed at Gen. Kelly’s emotional speech, and even proclaimed “I’m a rock star now!”

Watch the clip above to get her full disrespectful reaction.