Want a tried-and-true strategy for helping your child ace a big exam? If he or she has several days to prepare, try this simple way to “chunk” study tasks.

Three days before the test: “Have your child reread the key textbook chapters and her class notes,” mom Teri Cettina says in Parenting.com. Then, two days before: “Ask your child to recite key points out loud — to you, a sibling, or even a favorite toy — without looking at her notes or in her textbook. Have her refer back to them. Did she remember correctly?”

The day before: “If the teacher provided a practice test or an online study guide, your child should complete it now. On the questions she misses, have her re-read key points in the text or her notes,” Cettina says.

And the actual day of the exam? “If your child is game, encourage her to skim her notes over breakfast in the morning,” advises Cettina. “If she’s anxious, skip the last-minute studying and help her relax with deep breaths or tension-breaking jumping jacks. And a ‘good luck’ note in her backpack is always a nice touch.”

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