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Schumer argued he has been working on crafting the Democratic Party’s soon-to-be-unveiled economic message for months.

“That’s what I’ve been working on for months, and I’ve been talking to Democrats, House and Senate, all across the country. I’ve been talking to Trump voters,” Schumer said, adding that he happened to sit next to a person wearing a shirt saying, “I’m proud to be a deplorable voter and a truck driver” at a Yankees game Saturday.

“This economic message, platform, is going to resonate. It’s what we were missing. It’s not going to be baby steps. It’s going to be bold,” Schumer said. “We’re coming out with it this summer, within a month. You will see it. And Democrats will try to pass it legislatively for a year and campaign on it for 2018. It’s what we were missing in 2016 and in the past. We know that. When you lose an election, you don’t blame other people. You blame yourself. We need to do it.”

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Ryan also said that if the party wants to move forward, with or without Pelosi at its helm with Schumer, Democrats must focus on their economic message instead of alienating blocks of Americans through emphasizing special-interest groups.

“I don’t care about color, man, woman, black, white, brown, gay, straight. We should be working for all of those groups and their economic interests. The one thing that the Democrats have, and we need to get back to and focus on, is that economic message,” Ryan said. “But what unites all of those groups … is an economic message,” he continued, adding that the Democrats still “need to fight for the special-interest groups.”

“But if we just talk about those and we don’t talk about the economic issues, we do get frayed, Republicans come in and divide us, and we get what we got in the last presidential election,” Ryan warned.