In the heat of an election where voters are deeply concerned about stagnant wages, a increasingly dangerous world and a sputtering economy, Hillary Clinton dragged B-list political celebrity and failed presidential candidate Al Gore out on the campaign trail to scare monger millennials on climate change Tuesday.

The two appeared together at a rally held at Miami Dade College in Miami, Florida in a last minute push to attract more young voters to Clinton’s campaign.

Gore asserted that climate change is “the most urgent issue facing our country and the world”

Indeed Gore was reportedly picked for his apparent ability to reach out to young people and assure them that Clinton cares about the climate as much as they do.

But such a silly notion is predicated on the assumption that the average millennial born after 1996 actually knows who Al Gore is. Perhaps the powers-that-be over at Clinton campaign headquarters thought that college kids would be awed by the self-proclaimed Inventor of the Internet.

In her introduction, Clinton described Gore as “one of the world’s foremost leaders on climate change” and referenced his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” Of course, were Gore truly an expert on climate change, his documentary may not have been riddled with so many errors nor made so many predictions that turned out to be completely false. Gore infamously claimed that all of the Arctic ice would have melted away in five years. Eight years on and it’s still here.

Clinton asserted that Trump and Republicans deny science and climate change. But no conservative seriously denies that the climate is changing — they merely question the extent to which human activity is responsible for it.

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Both Clinton and Gore revealed themselves to be astonishingly out of touch from the average American. Gore asserted that climate change is “the most urgent issue facing our country and the world” and argued that the fate of Florida itself is on the ballot. “Hillary Clinton will make solving the climate crisis a top national priority,” he said.

Floridians who were present when an Islamic terrorist murdered nearly 50 people in an Orlando nightclub probably disagree with Gore about the urgency of the issue of climate change. But hey, at least Americans concerned about Islamic terrorism — and jobs for that matter — can rest easy knowing that Clinton will do her best to make sure America still looks pretty for its future Muslim rulers and that the vast number of the unemployed will have fresh air.

“Elections have consequences,” Gore warned. Indeed they do, and the consequences of electing Clinton would be four more years, at least, of the same policies that have led to economic decay a more dangerous world.