Breakfast popsicles are a fun, easy way to pack maximum nutrition into breakfast, and a great way to beat the summer heat.

MomZette-BreakfastPopsicles-Thumbnail-17These can be made weeks ahead and stored in resealable plastic bags, and they’re infinitely versatile. Try them with yogurt for a creamy texture, or coconut or almond milk for a non-dairy variety.


Start with unsweetened ingredients when possible and add in flavorings and sweeteners to your taste for the healthiest versions. As variations, blend in whey protein powder, peanut butter, cocoa powder, fresh mint, overripe bananas, or even granola for a crunchy texture.

This is a chance to be creative, so include your kids so they have a hand in their breakfast. For colorful popsicles blend strawberries, raspberries or blueberries into the mixture. You can even layer colors if you want to be artistic. These will be everyone’s favorite breakfast, perfect when you want a healthy, cool breakfast on the go.

Georgia Pellegrini is a TV chef, author and outdoor adventure expert.