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Want to know God better? Get to know Jesus. He is the “spitting image” of his hather (Hebrews 1:3). Do you have a good story book Bible? It makes a great bedtime read. Reward your kids for memorizing Bible verses. It works! 

You can also watch Christian videos with your kids, such as “Veggie Tales” or “SuperBook.”

For adults, there is the Bible, the Rev. Robert Barron and other scripture-based media.

For listening in the car, there are the “Hide ‘Em in Your Heart Bible Songs,” and for adults, there’s 91.1 FM WGTS and other religious programming. 

Pray before meals together and before bedtime, and bless your kids when they’re going out the door. Pray any time. Ask them, “How can I pray for you?” Then pray for them right then and there. There is nothing like talking to God together, spontaneously and for them to know he is real and available for them any time. 

Go to Mass together, take the sacraments, do adoration and confession as a family. These “tools of the Christian life” help get us through life’s good and not-so-good times and bond us closer and closer with God and each other.

2. The knowledge that you are infinitely loved by God and where you are going when this life is over.
If we learn early on that we are truly valued and loved by God, so much so that he died and rose again and is seated at the right hand of the father, praying for us in heaven, then we have a direction in which to point our life. We are made for heaven.

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We are intended to be with him there. Our job is to love God first and foremost and to help get our family and friends there. Your kids need to know that there is more to life than this. When times get tough, this is not the end of the story. We keep going because our “reward” awaits us. Keep pointing upwards in all that you say and do.

3. The gift of understanding that you have a mission from God that is unique and purposeful.
We need to ask ourselves and our kids: “What good thing did God create for me/you to do?” “What good do you think God wants to bring into this world through me/you?”

We are not here for our own glory, but for the glory and purposes of God. If we can instill that in them early, then there is a higher purpose in ALL things that are done.

Reading the stories of the saints’ lives is very helpful and inspiring. They were all very human, but God did great things in and through them. He can and will do the same in us if we allow Him.

You are your child’s best teacher. Lead through example.

Ask God if he would like to pack your bag with any new equipment over Lent. Perhaps exploring your faith on an ALPHA course or getting in a Bible study group, such as Walking with Purpose, would help you to deepen your faith and better equip you to help others. Life is a journey. Better get packin’!

“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.” — Proverbs 22:6

Dear Lord,
What a job! You have given me the task of preparing my children spiritually to face the world! I realize that sending them to Catholic or Christian schools is not enough, I need to pour Your love and truth into them everyday! Lord, fill me up. Cover the gaps in my “lack” of abilities! Make me creative and mindful as I try to do this. Help me to get my priorities straight. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT GIFT I CAN GIVE THEM. Help me to remember this, as in the end, deep love and a relationship with You is all that will matter. I ask this in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I share a special thanks to the Rev. Zachary Dominguez for his monthly inspirational talks to my local moms’ group. These insights, shared here, are the direct result of what he sees as the most needed tools in kids’ lives by the time he works with them in junior high and high school. We will be wise to listen and do our best to help prepare them for the road ahead.

Melissa Overmyer is founder of  Something Greater Ministries in Washington, D.C., and has taught the Bible for more than 30 years.