Known for being both actor and comedian, Russel Brand has turned his attention to his podcast called “Under My Skin”. Throughout the life of the podcast, Brand has touched on some heated topics going on in America and around the world. Most recently, he discussed the protests happening on behalf of Dutch farmers and didn’t shy away from calling out Microsoft founder Bill Gates. 

Criticizing the billionaire for buying up large pieces of land around the country, Russel Brand stated, “This is connected to the land grab of Bill Gates. This is connected to the corruption of companies like Monsanto. This whole fertilizer situation is a scam. They present it as a green ideology.” ‘Oh, we can’t keep using these fertilizers,’ And anyone who lives in the rural area will know that when those fertilizers get used, you think, ‘Oh God, this is a bit dodgy.’ But the reason that farmers are using those fertilizers is cause it’s necessary economically because of the pressure they’re under financially because of — often because of government-enforced imperatives.”

Not only targeting Bill Gates, but Russell Brand also pointed at The Great Reset, which has been debated by The World Economic Forum. “The objective isn’t to get the farmers to behave in an organic, responsible ecologically apposite manner, no, far from it. It’s in order to bankrupt the farmers so that their land can be grabbed. This shows you how ‘The Great Reset’ operates. It uses a green agenda. And just so you know, I agree with the green agenda. I think that the planet should be treated with love and respect that we should see ourselves as in harmony with it.” 

The comedian called for people to support local farmers. “it is the duty of all of us to support them, to stand in solidarity, to give them time to make those transitions, to say to the farming and agricultural community, ‘we’ll support you by buying your products.’”

In the end, Russel Brand warned, “The displacement of the people is the desired end point. The disempowerment of the farmers, the bankruptcy of the farmers is the desired end point. That’s what … ‘oh no, we were just trying to create more organic farms.’ Look what’s happened. We f***ed up the livelihood of all these ordinary people. That’s not- it’s not a mistake, they’re trying to f*** up ordinary people.”