While Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has constantly struggled with the surge in crime and violence in the city, after the recent mass shooting, she declared that the public was losing faith in democracy. Holding a press conference to speak about the shooting that happened on July 4th at a parade in Highland Park, Illinois, Lightfoot appeared to worry about the growing toxicity in the public. It should be noted that after the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, Lightfoot shouted “F**K Clarence Thomas”. But again, it is the public that is toxic. 

During the press conference, Lightfoot stated, “What it feels like is happening in this moment in our democracy is people are losing respect for the institutions of our democracy. The toxicity in our public discourse is a thing I think we should all be concerned about.” She added, “We have got to focus on what brings us together and not what tears us apart, and we’ve got to get back to respect for each other and respect for the community. And that’s the thing, I think, that concerns me the most over the arc of the last two years.” 

Appearing on Fox News, Lawrence Jones couldn’t help but mock the mayor, noting, “Democrats are saying this now, but they also said this in the past presidential elections when it was all about tone and tenor Brian, if you remember, 56% of Americans said they were better off than 2016 in the past election, but they disagree with the tone and tenor of the former president. Since then, we’ve had [Lightfoot], we’ve had Chuck Schumer attack the court talking about going after Kavanaugh. You’ve had Joe Biden go after the co-equal branch. You had other members of Congress go after the co-equal branch.”

Seeing through the narratives and agendas, Jones admitted, “For all these people talking about democracy and tone and tenor, I think the American people are looking at them and said these are the biggest bunches of hypocrites. But it also takes away them running on tone in the next election. They literally won the past election based on tone and tenor. It wasn’t a policy thing. I think that is removed when you hear these types of comments from the mayor.”