The Lincoln Project got their tail kicked on Tuesday and it couldn’t have happened to more deserving hacks. It is one thing to oppose Trump. You can do that from within the GOP. But to pose as Republicans and oppose every Republican is the height of Vichy. Joe Concha gets that.

Concha: Glenn Youngkin’s victory proved the Lincoln Project is utterly worthless once again. You know that rumble you felt in your living room watching the Virginia returns on Tuesday night? That was Terry McAuliffe’s political career going six feet under and the collective heads of MSNBC and CNN imploding on live television.

This after rookie politician Glenn Youngkin shocked the world like a modern-day Buster Douglas, in winning the Virginia’s governor’s race in a state that President Joe Biden won easily – as in by-more-than-10-points easy. But wait, how can this be? Because the so-called principled conservatives of the Lincoln Project backed McAuliffe…

But if you’re keeping score at home, the Project peeps are now 0-for-8 in key state races in the past year alone. 0-for-8! Why would anyone give these grifters one more cent moving forward? They can’t win, and thrive on dividing the country. That grotesque stunt, a pathetic attempt to make Youngkin supporters all look like white supremacists, was only the tip of the iceberg. And it backfired spectacularly. No matter: CNN and MSNBC will continue to cry about Donald Trump and lay out the welcome mat for this failed and fraudulent group. A group that should have been retired the way Terry McAuliffe just was, but a long time ago.


Concha also recently had some choice words for the press: The writer’s name is Jonathan Chait and he appears to be screaming to conform to one side, one political team or be labeled anti-democracy which is the ultimate contradiction packed into one sentence.

Jonathan Chait is the same guy who wrote 20 years ago that the 2000 election was stolen from Al Gore and now he is arguing that unless you support $3.5 trillion in new spending during a time when core inflation is at a 30-year high or unless you support a border that is so open that we are on pace to allow 2.3 million people into this country, or the Department of Justice’s effort to crack down on parents who care what their kids are being taught, or unless you pretend the current administration is competent enough to run the government – which a majority of Americans feel it is not — you are the problem.

If you want Exhibit A on how desperate Democratic cheerleaders in the media are over the real possibility that their party’s majority will be wiped out in 2022 and in the 2024 election regardless of who the nominees are – whether it is Trump or Biden or Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis — this piece absolutely reeks of that desperation.