Conservative firebrand David Horowitz and his professional partner Peter Collier started out their young college years as 60s era new left radicals. They edited the anti-Vietnam War publication “Ramparts” and were known as the hardest of the hard left. Their bete noire? Richard Nixon.

They were convinced Nixon was ushering in a fascist state and said so many times. They were convinced that the American political system was so un-redeemably evil and our society so corrupt and rotten to the core that fascism was virtually already here. But then something funny happened.

The very system they condemned as evil drove from office the very man at the head of the system. Hold on. If we were so fascist, the system so rotten, how could that happen? They began pondering that question and it led them both to reject leftism and become conservatives.
The same should be asked today in regards to what we were hearing from the Democrats and the left when it came to the Trump administration.

Regular readers here know that I voted for Trump twice. They also know that since right after the election, I also no longer carry a brief for Trump. However if, as was said last year, Trump was a fascist leading the nation into a dark racist sexist society, then how did Joe Biden take office? How is he president? And yes, like it or not, Biden is the president of the United States. Anybody who thinks otherwise is an emotionally driven delusional mouth breather as bad, if not worse, than those who thought the same about Trump.

What happened to the bogeyman of Trump’s tenure in office bring assured by his Russian pals? What happened to the subjugation of minorities and women that happened under Trump? They both seem to be in fine political fettle today. You mean they recovered from the overwhelming trauma in a month or two? Do you hear anymore about the climate crisis that is going to doom us all in a decade? How about the abominable southern wall? If it was so hideous why hasn’t it been torn down instead of quietly still being built?

And then there is Covid. Remember when a virus with a 97 percent survival rate was a threat to American survival, but Trump was killing Americans with his ineptitude? Apparently, there were enough Americans still around to elect Joe Biden and the actual criminal ineptitude was found in New York state perpetrated by a darling of the leftist establishment.

Yup, all those threats, those bogeymen, have fallen by the wayside. They’ve magically disappeared to be replaced by the Happy Days are Here Again narrative. Soon, Covid will be “defeated” by the Biden administration. Soon, the economy will chug ahead and any talk of its anemia in comparison to the Trump economy will be considered dishonesty of the worst order, though numbers will back Trump. They’ve replaced new lies for old, new scapegoats for old ones. Most Americans will believe every bit of it. Mencken’s “booboisie” is alive and well. It, not make believe Armageddon, is the biggest actual threat this nation faces today.