Wonder why on Wednesday Joe Biden was so adamant about expanding money for education and teachers? Because he knows that radical educrats and teachers unions will use the expanded resources to indoctrinate students with Marxist propaganda and socialist economics, thus strengthening the long term hold on power of the Democrat Party. As usual in American socialism, California leads the way.

FNC: “A trustee on the Santa Clara County, California, Board of Education says he has been silenced after trying to put plans for new K-12 ethnic studies curricula on the board’s agenda for discussion with the public. Joseph DiSalvo, 69, is using his 33 years of experience as a former Santa Clara County school teacher and principal to highlight concerns about ethnic studies curricula proposed by Santa Clara education officials that he feels the public has a right to discuss with the trustees they elected.

“The California State Board of Education in March approved a 900-page, statewide Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) for high schools to help students understand the stories of ‘historically marginalized peoples which are often untold in U.S. history courses.’ It was unanimously approved in an 11-0 vote.” Untold. Why? Because up until recently Marxism was not taught in American classrooms.

“I wanted to put this on the agenda and have people come and talk about it with the school board trustees. I’ve been thwarted to get it on our agenda for public discourse…It’s so contrary to a democratic process,” DiSalvo added. Panelists at a training session for the new guidelines called the U.S. a “parasitic system” based on the invasion of “white male settlers.”

A presentation given during one session gives educators advice on how to become “activist intellectuals” and tells them that “in order to put an end to systems of oppression one must DESTROY/CHANGE THEM!” Slides describe American society as a “system of oppression” that “occupies and usurps land/labor/resources from one group of people for the benefit of another” and is “not just a vicious thing of the past” but “exists as long as settlers are living on appropriated land.” So, the logical answer to that is to take back the land. Are you ready to give up your home to the American Khmer Rouge?

The program also calls for ethnic studies to be “a range of disciplines beyond traditional history and social sciences, including but not limited to: visual and performing arts, English language arts, economics, biology, gender and sexuality studies, etc,” The Associated Press reported. Gender and sex ed. Of course. The board said the initiative “is intended to deepen students’ sense of shared history, the significant contributions of historically underserved populations,” and help “students understand and appreciate the rich histories and cultural contributions of various communities that challenge racial oppression,” according to a press release. Oppression, underserved, all the buzzwords. It comes down to one thing, as they actually admit: Destroying America.