Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) spoke out on Monday night to warn of the two things that he claims will destroy conservatism, identifying them as “social media companies and mail-in voting.”

“There’s two threats to conservatism: mass mail-in voting unverified and social media companies unregulated, unable to be sued when they take down the content of conservatives,” Graham told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “Social media companies and mail-in voting will destroy conservatism if we don’t push back.”

This came one day before Graham introduced a bill to repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, that insulates social media sites from legal action when they refuse to post material with no just cause.

“Section 230 allows the big tech companies to take down content and make decisions without being sued and they’re not regulated,” Graham explained. “There’s no business that I know of in America that can’t be sued for their actions and not subject to regulation by the government at any level, except big tech.”

Not stopping there, the Republican went on to pledge “to introduce legislation that would repeal Section 230, Jan. 1, 2023, which would give the Congress two years to replace it with something better and if we can’t find that something better it goes away.”

“And you and the New York Post and Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham can sue these bastards when they try to censor content,” he added.

Graham then said that there is bipartisan support behind initiatives to reign in big tech.

“I’ve had Democrats come up to me and say ‘we hate these big tech companies as much as you do. They’ve abused power, they’re American companies, they’ve created technology that enriches our lives, but they’ve got more power than anybody in the history of the world in terms of information flow,'” Graham said.  “They have a political bias. They’re protected from lawsuits and they’re not regulated by the government. That needs to come to an end.”