For about 25 years the Right had Fox News. But generational change and corporate changes at Fox have driven the news division to the left. Their election night coverage was a shambles of left wing inefficiency and cover your ass analysis.

Now, with the AP, they’ve called the race for Biden, though they know it’s headed for the courts. Just like the leftist press did for Al Gore in 2000, who also never served as president. So, what does the Right have left? You’re reading it.

Not just us, but other small partisan bands lurking in the treeline of the internet. With no overall leadership and lacking armor and air support, we are guerilla bands employing stick and run tactics, trying to stay out of the range of Facebook and Google long range artillery. Wolverines!!

Some conservative sites are nothing more than ridiculous agitprop. The basic rule with them is that if you read something there that looks too good to be true, it is. Some are straight ad copy for conservatives and Republicans. They’re fine, if all you want is rah rah cheerleading. Then there’s the straight news sites. Good stuff. The best I think are the news and analysis sites that are honest enough to give you bad news. I hope we fall into that category. I know some of us strive for it and aside from the ritual obeisance we pay to tabloid culture I think we generally accomplish our mission.

But, the small sites do it almost alone. That’s why you see the confusing maze of annoying ads. We’ve got to keep the lights on. Especially if Biden wins, the PC pressure will be on from left wing social media platforms and from the government. They already shadowban us. That will become government sanctioned under “hate speech” diktats if Biden becomes president.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google will happily fall in line with those regs and we may fall into a samizdat situation when it comes to conservative media, somewhat like the last scene of Fahrenheit 451. Alarmist? Look at the corruption undertaken right now by the Biden people, and their media lapdogs, as they try to steal the election by a media fait accompli. If they’ll do that, and it’s happening as I write this, do you think they’ll be squeamish about censoring a free press?

By the way, I love how the same people who decry and say we shouldn’t trust the left wing press are right now going, “OMIGOD, WE LOST!! THE AP AND FOX CALLED IT FOR BIDEN!!!”

The herd mentality is strong across the board. Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, leftists, rightist, all engage in it. Why? Because most people are basically dumb venal lazy creatures who are too busy watching television or playing video games to notice their freedoms slipping away. That not only goes for Americans, but for the entire planet. But before that night closes in, we and the rest of the media guerilla bands will fight on, to at least remind generations hence that there was once something worth fighting for. Wolverines!!