With Rep. Abbie Spanberger’s hysterical, though legitimate, rant on the phone during a recent party conference call, the opening pistol shot is fired in a commie vs commie civil war. Jolly good fun.

First AOC, in that AOC way we have come to know and love for the schadenfreude, said this last Thursday, “So, you know, of course, the loss of the House majority is just extraordinarily upsetting to all of us. It’s upsetting to all of us who are invested in having a Democratic majority so that we can expand health care, so that we can raise wages, so that we can protect working people.” I know.

Ally is proof of the old line that some people are so lucky to be born good looking. She not only gets the entire House election wrong, they held by just several seats, but the statement is her confused kittenish way of denying responsibility for the fact that she and her socialist pals cost the Democrats a bunch of seats.

She went on, “It’s also personal personally (umm, what?) very difficult because to lose these people, you know, many of them are my colleagues, and I’m proud to call many of them my friends, and the idea that they may not be returning next term, or that they aren’t returning next term, is extremely difficult on both just a personal and a policy and a political level.” Apparently, she doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “both.”

By the way, ask Colin Peterson, Connor Lamb, and Joe Cunningham, who all lost to excellent Republican candidates because they were accurately labeled in bed with socialists, how friendly they feel towards Ally. Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad went out of their way to scream their way into numerous Republican attack spots that ousted Democrat House incumbents, but then has the nerve to criticize said moderate incumbents for not working hard enough. Like this.

“If you’re not door-knocking, if you’re not on the Internet, if your main points of reliance are TV and mail, then you’re not running a campaign on all cylinders. I just don’t see how anyone could be making ideological claims when they didn’t run a full-fledged campaign,”  she said during an interview with The New York Times.

Then to make matters more amusing, Nancy Pelosi refuses to take any blame or responsibility for getting waxed in the House. So, if it wasn’t AOC and wasn’t Nancy, who was it? Perhaps the Atomic Mole People caused the loss of Democrat seats. Maybe the Emperor Xabthu of Neptune? But bottom line: It was AOC’s fault for being AOC and Pelosi’s fault for not stopping Ally’s ideological insanity before it cost seats. But no one will admit that. So the fun will go on.