As a writer, aside from you having to plow through the myriad ads, we don’t ask a lot from you. Well today, I’m asking you to throw a bomb.

I’d like you to take this piece and send it to your leftist associates, post it on your Facebook page, tweet it, and maybe even drop it in some leftist chats, groups, and whatnots. It’s likely to make a splash, so you may want to share it on social media platforms containing some people who you don’t take very seriously. Thus, if you’re getting this from a conservative, well, you get the drift.

So, look pal or palette, Tuesday is almost upon us and it is time for you to step up, if you haven’t voted already, like an adult and vote for Trump.

Ok, I’ll wait for you to stop screaming…The basic deal, and down deep you know this to be true, as that you like Trump’s results but loathe the guy. That is somewhat understandable. What is not understandable is that you’re willing to bet the future of this country on your own petty social preferences.

This is not the third grade and it’s not a question of who did or did not give you a Valentine on 2/14 (do kids still do that?). If you’re making a presidential decision on that basis you’re a child, someone who refuses to grow up. You suffer from Peter Pan Syndrome, the political variant.

You think the world is a magical place that can be made perfect with just a unicorn here and a rainbow there. If we spend just the right amount of other people’s money then the bad things will go away, right? There will be an end to poverty, racism, disease, sexism, etc when this new era is ushered in by…who? By Joe Biden? Uh huh. Even you know how ridiculous that sounds.

But you have to vote, you say, if not for Biden then against Trump, because democracy is at stake. Because Trump is a fascist. Well, if so, what kind of fascist is impeached and hounded for over 3 years by a House of Representatives run by the other party? What kind of tyrant allows the press to thrash him every day? And how are you, brave fighter for democracy, not in jail if this is a fascist regime? C’mon, you know the answer. A couple of years ago your emotions got the best of you and you went with the flow.

It was easier socially and at work. You can say the most idiotic left wing thing at work or at a barbecue and the most you will get is rolled eyes. But admit Trump support or conservative views at work or in a social gathering and the PC Thought Police are on you right quick. We get that. However, we also both know that your ballot is secret. On it, you can showcase your secret adulthood.

So, get over the childish fits of pique regarding Trump’s more boorish behavior and vote for what you know, you really do, is good for the country. Vote Trump. Never Never Land may not appreciate it. But America surely will.