For a presidential candidate from a party that has fought for generations to take God out of our schools, Joe Biden seems to have had a religious epiphany…when it comes to Islam. After his convenient public political submission to the Prophet Muhammad and his power-mad acolytes on Monday, Biden then unsheathed the rhetorical scimitar of Islam to declare holy war against the president of the United States.

“I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith. I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths. It’s one of the great confessional faiths,” Biden said at the “Million Muslim Votes” summit hosted by Engage Action. Interspersed through his remarks were condemnations of that great infidel, Donald Trump.

The Biden campaign, or the candidate himself, has not made similar positive statements regarding Judeo-Christian faiths. This is not very surprising, given the Democrat Party’s rabid animosity towards the basic moral underpinnings of Judeo-Christian theology and its still somewhat incarnation, the West.

Biden’s former boss, the disgraced 44th president of the United States, did everything in his power to advocate for Islam and the Islamist agenda. The suspiciously fey Illinois socialist said in his ghostwritten autobiography that he would stand with Muslim voters regardless of the political winds and it is also instructive to remember the former president’s last night in office gift of pallets of cash to his friends in the Iranian terrorist state. And Biden was his deputy.

Biden groveled to the assembled religious voters on Monday, something he does not do for other religious voters, and said he would halt President Trump’s travel ban affecting Muslim countries. He said he would do this on day one of his presidency. Biden did not explain how that move would affect American national security or what the views of the FBI might be of his proposed Trojan Horse program.

Biden said the Trump administration and the president himself are responsible for “an unconscionable rise in Islamophobia.” Biden did not mention how the 9-11 attacks, attacks against Americans on foreign soil, attacks against U.S. military personnel, and terrorist attacks on American soil, all perpetrated by Islamist radicals, may have something to do with a justifiably jaded eye towards the machinations of Islamist regimes and their U.S. domestic supporters.

Biden said he “won’t write love letters to dictators,” and would work to “meet the moral demands of the humanitarian crisis in Syria, Yemen, and Gaza.” The babbling git said he would support the rights of Palestinians to have a state of their own, presumably at the expense of Israel. And if he “won’t write love letters to dictators” then how will he speak to the heads of state in almost every Moslem country? As for his line on Gaza, that means he will seek to undercut the Israelis every chance he gets, much like his former boss.

Islamist radicals like Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison have enthusiastically endorsed Biden. They expressed their unbridled joy in a recent letter, “Our number one goal is to remove Donald Trump from office and to replace him with someone who can begin to heal our nation. A Biden administration will move the nation forward on many of the issues we care about.”

The biggest issue they care about? The advance and victory of the radical Islamist agenda here and around the world. But shhhh! We’re not supposed to figure that out until after the election.