The average American is getting lots of counsel on how to deal with the coronavirus. Like in any situation, some of the information is good. Some of it not so good.

LifeZette wanted to break through the noise and give our readers data they can use in a practical sense to protect themselves and their families from the most harmful aspects of the virus. As such, Tuesday morning we talked to Amy Johnston.

Johnston is a career medical professional with sixteen years in the field. She has worked as a registered nurse focusing on critical care and is now a much sought after medical consultant. She is also a noted conservative political activist in Virginia, getting involved in politics after the 2016 election because of the unhinged vehemence of the opposition to the president.

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Johnston warns that “crisis fatigue” after so many controversies during the last three years should not blind us to the danger of this virus. “This is no hoax and people who are not taking it seriously or refuse common sense guidelines are not only putting themselves in danger, but putting others at risk, and undermining all the president is trying to do. This is no time to buck the system.

“Though the vast majority are safe from the virus, you’ve really got to take social distancing seriously. You’ve got to carry anti-bacterial wipes with you at all times and wipe down things before you touch them, especially in your car and after going out into the public.”

How can you safeguard at home? “Don’t panic-buy, and try to purchase foods with low sugar, as sugar reduces immunity.”

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As to the general situation and what to tell your kids? “There is no need to panic. The president and his team are doing a good job. What they are doing foremost is trying to prevent the U.S. from becoming another Italy. There patients hit the system all at once and now the medical system is overloaded. That’s likely not going to happen here. The president’s team is also actively working to prevent a ‘trickle down effect,’ where other health issues are affected because resources are solely focused on the virus.”

She reiterated that “viruses are not political and some people are having a hard time separating the two subjects. A virus doesn’t care what your politics are; it’s going to strike you if you ignore precautions against it. We don’t have time to play around with this.”