Marxist mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio, while begging special treatment from the feds in phone calls to the president, is hitting Trump in vicious ways, saying he is unnecessarily letting New Yorkers die.

President Trump’s team is having none of it. Presidential Counselor Kellyanne Conway responded on Fox News, “I think it shows you the contrast in leadership when you have feckless leaders or you have a president who’s publicly facing every single day giving people information and engagement they need.”

“In this White House, my very chief of staff started doing meetings on this on January 12. There have been groups meeting on this all along and today is the one-month anniversary of the task force being announced,” she said.

On those who incredibly say the mayor is doing a better job than the president? “I will not compare Mayor de Blasio to President Trump and neither do Americans since President Trump has a 60 percent approval rating. He [Trump] never had this high marks in handling the economy even though he deserved it. He’s had high marks because he is handling a health crisis that came out of nowhere and people appreciate the fact that every single day they are hearing from the task force.”

De Blasio is upset that the Left’s plan to sneak socialism in through the back door, by claiming socialistic policies are temporary expedients to fight the virus, is failing. This loss drives them to distraction and so they lash out.

As the crisis peaks and abates, the Left will go through many gyrations to hit the president on every conceivable front. What we’re hearing now is but a taste of the flavor of their fall message.

By that time the president and his team will likely have seen the nation through the worst part of the virus and the recovery will have begun. And the Democrats will be left with the political desolation born of their former words.