Actress Alyssa Milano, who was best known for appearing on shows like “Who’s The Boss” and “Charmed” before she devoted her life to being a radical left-wing activist, once again launched an unhinged attack on President Donald Trump. This time, Milano decided to call the president “racist” for describing coronavirus as the “Chinese Virus,” even though the left-wing media had been doing the same thing up until recently.

“Stop calling it the ‘Chinese Virus,’ you racist piece of s***,” Milano tweeted on Wednesday evening.

Liberals have suddenly decided that Trump describing the coronavirus as it’s area of origin is “racist,” even though the media has been referring to it as the “Chinese Virus,” the “Wuhan Virus,” and the “China Virus” for months.

It is actually common practice to name viruses and diseases after the place where they originated. For example, the Ebola virus is named after a river in the Congo near where it started, and Lyme disease is named after a Connecticut town where there was an outbreak in 1975.

This is liberal hypocrisy and race-baiting at it’s absolute worst, and it shows once again that they will resort to absolutely anything to attack President Trump. Milano and her fellow liberals know full well that there is nothing racist behind Trump saying “Chinese Virus,” yet they will continue to push that narrative in the hopes of making him look bad.

Meanwhile, Trump is trying to bring the nation together to fight this unprecedented pandemic. Unity is what we need right now, not more division, and we certainly don’t need any more political games from ignorant liberals like Alyssa Milano.