As we put finger to keyboard voters are caucusing in Nevada and unless the smart money is wrong, which it can be and has been, Bernie Sanders will come out on top. This will further entrench him as the front-runner and make him that much harder to stop before the convention.

Where does he stand now? Where are the rest of the other five?

Sanders—With this win in Nevada he will now have to brace for a poor showing on Super Tuesday. Southern Democrats don’t much cotton to New England socialists. It will stall him, but only for a short time. Big states like IL, NY, and CA are coming up and will add more fuel to his fire.

Bloomberg— He may do well in the FL Democratic primary two weeks after Super Tuesday. But recent revelations on his attitude towards blacks and women will not do him any good in the real south. Florida is not the real political or cultural south. It is a warmer New Jersey with better beaches. And yes, I’m a Floridian. But with his cash, Bloomberg isn’t going to give up the ship anytime soon and will continue to be a pest to Biden and Buttigieg.

Buttigieg— Doing well and may do better than expectations in Nevada and Super Tuesday. But splitting the alleged moderate vote four ways, even if he is on top of that group, will condemn him to a veep shot at best. That is, until the convention.

Biden— He is putting a lot of eggs in his Super Tuesday basket and is counting on the attendant black vote to recover his mojo. If he disappoints on that day it is the end of him and the other three relative moderates will start to woo him and his supporters.

Klobuchar— Will stay in the middle of the pack for awhile. Has the potential to surprise with a big win later in the primary process. Could be a factor in a brokered convention. A solid veep pick for Bernie if it goes that way. But, it won’t.

Warren— Only entertainment at this point. Bernie is the hard-left choice. End of story. But we pray she stays in because her antics make debates worth watching.