Hillary Clinton’s campaign stoked fears of President Obama’s racial heritage in 2008 and continues to channel the Alt-Left for her views on race in her attacks on Republican nominee Donald Trump. Her fringe views seek to divide people based on race and directly oppose a color-blind society where people aren’t judged on race — but on merit.

Recall that a chief campaign strategist for Clinton, Mark Penn, drafted a memorandum that attacked Obama’s American roots in the 2008 Democrat primary. Mr. Penn wrote of Obama: “[H]is roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

She shares many of these patronizing views on race with President Obama.

Hillary gets her extreme ideas from an Alt-Left parade of horrible characters including Saul Alinsky. A key tenet of the Alt-Left is grievance politics that routinely blames those who are not sufficiently enlightened for the problems in America.

She shares many of these patronizing views on race with President Obama. In a recent podcast with David Axelrod, Obama’s close friend “Father” Phleger, an Alt-Left thought leader, claimed the police enforce a culture of racism. (He accused Hillary Clinton of being entitled to the presidency because of her whiteness back in 2008, and had to apologize.) This Hollywood-engendered fantasy does a major disservice to the women and men who serve every day to keep us safe.

Like Hillary does in her rallies, President Obama in his personal memoir infamously blamed “white folks’ greed” because it “runs a world in need.” The negative ideas of liberal thought leaders show the true nature of the Alt-Left and their hold on the ideology of Democrat politicians. In a speech to the NAACP, Clinton blamed the recent violence against the police on the “implicit bias” of the police. Like the Alt-Left, she routinely indulges in fantasies of inequality, highlighting the rare bad acts of our law enforcement professionals.

Saul Alinsky

It isn’t surprising the media refuses to acknowledge that the Alt-Left is the real racist source of the failed Democrat policies of the past eight years — policies that have left African-Americans to get shot on the streets of Chicago.

One instance of the Alt-Left’s extreme views occurred when one of President Obama’s advisers, Charles Ogletree, blamed police in a shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. The police officer in that case was cleared by the Department of Justice and never indicted. At her rallies, Hillary continues to echo this sentiment, where everyday Americans are racist and the police are to blame for violent criminals.

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Hypocritically, the Alt-Left is fine with Clinton’s mass amnesia over her past relationships with former KKK members and racist comments regarding young African-Americans. In this Alt-World, politicians treat African-Americans as votes and not people. Humans are treated as instruments to power and not worthy of respect as individuals.

There’s a liberal narrative that the media is “normalizing” Trump’s “radical” views by giving him more coverage. Well, his hard work and merit-based approach to most issues, regardless of skin color. underpins the American dream. This has already been normalized in our society because it is a part of the fabric of our constitutional values as a nation and represents the huge number of supporters Trump has found from his TV show days and the Republican primary. The Alt-Left stands in direct opposition to the commonsense policies that will help people of all backgrounds. The real Alt-World is run by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, who refuse to acknowledge reality.