A Pulitzer Prize-winning author who made a big media splash on Tuesday and Wednesday by releasing excerpts of recorded tapes of Donald Trump first floated them to the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to emails dumped on Thursday by WikiLeaks.

The March 4 email was forwarded to John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman.

“Michael wants to meet with the Clinton campaign’s opposition research team … And he has 9 hours of taped conversations with Donald Trump.”

It involved Michael D’Antonio, an author and screenwriter who recorded hours of tape with Trump in 2014.

“Per our conversation, John Manly is close to Michael D’Antonio (who wrote Never Enough about Trump) and Michael wants to meet with the Clinton campaign’s opposition research team,” wrote Janet Keller, a California consultant, in an email forwarded to John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman. “He does not want to be paid. And he has 9 hours of taped conversations with Donald Trump.”

But D’Antonio did not hear back from the Clinton campaign after a brief meeting, according to a Wednesday story in The New York Times.

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Instead, D’Antonio went to The Times, where he found a much more receptive audience in reporter Michael Barbaro, who often pens acerbic tweets aimed at Trump.

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The interviews were conducted in 2014 by D’Antonio. According to The Times, “Mr. D’Antonio now disapproves of Mr. Trump’s candidacy … Over the past few weeks, Mr. D’Antonio gave The New York Times access to the original audio as well as transcripts of his interviews with Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump’s first wife, Ivana, and his three oldest children.”

The tapes will likely be unraveled further by Barbaro, who has a podcast named “The Run-Up.”

But for now, according to Tuesday’s story, the tapes are proof that Trump a) hates losing and b) is obsessed with media coverage of himself.

The revelations are not exactly front-page news.