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Under fire for an attempt to whitewash references to Islamic terror from phone call transcripts, Attorney General Loretta Lynch is visiting Orlando Tuesday to meet with survivors and victims’ families — a full 10 days after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

The visit follows the FBI release on Monday of a partial transcript of a phone conversation that Omar Mateen, who murdered 49 people at a gay club before police killed him, had with the Orlando Police Department. References to ISIS and radical Islam were redacted in the initial transcript.

“That’s an inconvenient fact for a president who is now bringing thousands and thousands of people in the country, who happen to also be the same faith,” Ingraham continued.

“What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda,” Lynch said in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd. “We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].”

Outrage over the redactions led the Department of Justice to relent on Monday and release the full, unedited transcripts and send Lynch on a public relations visit.

“When he speaks to 911 and says I’m a soldier of Islam and says a lot of other stuff, that makes it obvious that his motivation was — unless he is pulling a big funny on everyone — his motivation was Jihad,” LifeZette Editor-to-Chief Laura Ingraham said Monday on “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on Fox News.

“That’s an inconvenient fact for a president who is now bringing thousands and thousands of people in the country who happen to also be the same faith,” Ingraham said.

Van Susteren voiced her own concerns and stressed the arrogance displayed in the handling of the situation by the administration. The edited tape had Mateen saying, “God” instead of “Allah” — which calls into question the validity of the whole transcript, Van Susteren said. Ingraham noted transparency has long been an issue with the Obama administration.

“I think it goes to the question of credibility of this administration to which Hillary was tied and it once again confirms why people think the government today, big government is like one of the biggest problems facing America,” Ingraham said.